Handcrafted trainings led by our DEI experts. Our offerings include:

  • Sustainable Diversity Training

  • Identity-based Training (gender, race, ability, class, queer/LGBTQ+)

  • Unconscious Bias Training

  • Anti-Racist Training

Training Programs

Group of students taking notes in training
Head of a man on brown paper background.

Sustainable Diversity Training

  • This is a comprehensive approach to fostering inclusivity, equity, and belonging within an organization or community. The aim is to create a lasting impact by addressing the root causes of inequity and promoting long-term and sustainable cultural change in the workplace through dialogue, strategies, and proactive measures.

    Participants will receive toolkits of knowledge that will include best practices for strategizing and implementing action plans, setting metrics and analyzing key performance indicators.

  • At the conclusion of the training, organizations will have clear DEIB goals and a roadmap and action plan to not only implement strategy, but also achieve measurable goals.

A group of diverse women smiling and posing together for a photo, capturing a joyful moment of togetherness.

Identity Based Training

  • Identity-based training focuses on understanding and addressing issues related to individual and group identities. It centers on aspects such as race, ethnicity, gender, ability, queerness, LGBTQ+, socioeconomic status, and other characteristics that shape an individual's sense of self and how they are perceived in society. This training is ideal for organizations that have identified a specific identity-based need.

    Your team will engage in discussions and activities that aim to deepen their understanding of diverse perspectives, build cultural competence, reduce discriminatory behavior, and contribute to the creation of more respectful workplaces.

  • The primary goal of identity-based training is to enhance awareness, promote empathy, and foster a more inclusive and equitable environment by addressing biases, stereotypes, and systemic challenges associated with various identities.

A group of people sitting in chairs, applauding a trainer at the end of a training session.

Unconscious Bias

  • Unconscious biases influence decision-making processes and lead to unintentional discriminatory acts including favoritism.

    Our unconscious bias training is ideal for organizations that want to raise awareness and mitigate the impact of biases. Our training includes interactive sessions that include discussions and activities aimed at helping participants recognize and challenge their implicit biases.

  • At the conclusion of the training, organizations will be equipped with tools to foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace, specifically, participants will minimize the influence of unconscious biases in hiring, management, promotion, salary range, fringe benefits, and interpersonal interactions.

A diverse group of professionals engaged in a productive office meeting, discussing ideas and collaborating on projects.

Anti-Racist Training

  • Anti-racist training is targeted to dismantle systemic racism and promote active opposition to discriminatory practices. Unlike the aforementioned trainings, anti-racist training is ideal for organizations that aim to empower their team to actively work against racial inequalities. Participants examine the history and impact of systemic racism and develop skills to challenge and combat racist beliefs and behaviors. Participants are encouraged to self-reflect and learn how to engage in advocacy work.

  • Ultimately, participants learn how to contribute to the creation of a workplace that actively opposes racial discrimination in all its forms.